Yup! I'm a newbie in this space...well..d reason I open this blog is to sell off all my GORGEOUS Pre-Loved colthes! why?...well, simply because..my wardrobe is OVERLOADDDDD!! ;p
Since I'm a super shopaholic, so..most or all of these tops are either never been worn or worn not more than once. Still in superb condition!I just looooooooooooove to buy..buy..and buy...~ ;p
I started working already..so, these clothes is not so suitable for me to wear to work tho'..i need to let these gorgeous tops go in order to give some space for my new 'work' clothes...hmm...so, feel free to browse thru...no harm right?? =) If any items catches yours beautiful eyes...you know what to do...quickly SMS me @ 012-2511416 or email me at dalienalaily@yahoo.com~